Hair Loss Treatment in Singapore

Hair loss occurs when new hair doesn’t replace the hair that has fallen out. Hair loss is typically related to one or more of factors of family history, hormonal changes or hairstyling. To prevent a severe hair loss, we have an effective hair loss treatment in Singapore that helps the fallen hair to growth and regrowth.

What is Hair Loss?

A human typically loses about a hundred strands of hair in a day, but this hair fall is not noticeable as it usually grows back. Hair loss is a condition that occurs when your ability for natural hair regrowth is interrupted.

The natural hair growth process can be affected by various factors like hereditary conditions, age, hormonal changes, stress, unhealthy diet, chronic disease, or side effects of medical treatments. For these reasons, hair loss is suffered by all genders.

Hair loss is a major worry for those of you who are concerned about maintaining a presentable appearance, due to the nature of your work or for yourself. This condition may also affect your self-confidence as hair is an integral part of your appearance.

The good news, however, is that you do not have to worry as there are countless effective hair loss treatments in Singapore, readily at your convenience.

Having Hair Loss Syndrome?

When shredding significantly exceeds growth, baldness occurs. In 95% of hair loss patients, hair loss is inherited, Following what we have for you, more information about hair loss at your fingertips!

Hair loss happens naturally, with an average of 50 – 100 hair strands being lost daily. This is because hair follows a genetic program of growth, resting, and shedding. When hair loss is more than the regrowth, that is when baldness happens.

Some of the leading catalysts for hair loss are high levels of stress, autoimmune diseases, and the use of particular drugs. Less common causes would be head trauma causing scarring and even tight hairdos like braids that may cause tension and lead to inflamed hair follicles. However, this is usually temporary.

95% of hair loss is inherited. Based on a genetic coding of hair follicles formed in the womb, some hair follicles are more sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. When exposed, follicles begin to shrink, leading to the thinning of hair. If untreated the follicles eventually die, leading to permanent baldness. However, there are ways to improve hair loss such as hair transplantation or even processes to slow down hair loss.

Stages of Hair Loss

Early stages: In males, hair starts to recede at the temples and the crown of the head. This may happen slowly, over the course of a few decades or quickly, over just a couple of years.

Later stages: For some, hair loss comes to a halt or slows down after a while. For others, it continues, leaving just a fringe of hair at the bottom of the head. These stages are shown on the left.

    • Receding Hair Line
    • Generalized Frontal Thinning
    • Frontal Area & Crown Balding
    • Top of the Scalp & Crown Balding
    • Extensive Hair Loss with limited, yet viable Donor Area
    • Severe Hair Loss, the only rim of Hair remain

So what causes the hair loss affecting the other 5% of the population yearly? How can I tell the difference between temporary and permanent hair loss? What can I do about it?

This is an overview. To find out more about our treatment plans, feel free to call us. We can inform, assess, and effectively plan treatments best suited for you or any of your loved ones.

Androgenetic Alopecia

The most common cause of hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness (in men), and female pattern baldness (in women).

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is something that 7 – 15% of American males experience by age 25, and almost 40% by age 35. It is a natural, age-related change in the body, and represents over 95% of all hair loss in men. The exact reason and cause of male pattern baldness are not known, though it is clear that our GENETIC makeup is a huge part of it. The HORMONE androgens (like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) also play a big part. Roughly put, the more androgens you have, the faster you lose your hair. The loss of hair follows a horseshoe-shaped pattern (shown in the graphic), with the hair on your sides and back of the head generally being left untouched.

You can assess your chances of developing male pattern baldness by looking at your male relatives, starting with dad and grandfathers (most telling is your mother’s father’s hair pattern – if he has it, you are at high risk). The male pattern baldness genes can come from your mother just as easily but may be less noticeable since it’s often slower to develop in women. Male pattern baldness often begins slowly at puberty, but may then come on very fast or not at all.

Female Pattern Baldness

For women, female pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss (also called androgenetic alopecia). It affects about 20 million women in the US alone and is highly co-related to GENETICS. It can begin at puberty but is most often seen after menopause. Male and female pattern baldness happens when hair that falls out is no longer replaced. Female pattern hair loss is generally a change to thinning hair rather than just falling out and is more noticeable on the top of the head.

Telogen Effluvium (Stress Trigger).

Telogen effluvium is the general thinning of hair over the scalp region and parts of the body. The reason for this is due to the changes in the growth cycle of hair. Big amounts of hair go into a resting phase of hair growth known as telogen. This causes thinning or shedding of hair. This can be the result of stress, poor nutrition, injury, and surgery. Symptoms are noninflammatory, hence no intense changes are likely to occur.

Some of our treatments involve hair growth stimulators like minoxidil and homeopathic remedies.

At HairSpec, we provide professional hair loss consultation and treatment services, give us a call at 6438-4382 for a FREE consultation and let our haircare specialists help you evaluate all available non-surgical treatment options for you at the highest levels of clients’ satisfaction.

What are the effective hair loss treatments available in Singapore?

Luckily, technology has advanced so much that there is now a wide selection of effective hair fall treatments available for you in Singapore. These treatments are designed to promote natural hair regrowth or offer you hair loss solutions that will last a lifetime, with the condition of regular maintenance.

Here are some of the most preferred hair loss treatments in Singapore:

These are effective hair fall solutions that combat hair loss when performed by experienced hair care specialists. You will need guidance on the best type of treatment for your condition, depending on the severity of your hair loss condition. Regardless of your hair condition, there is a guaranteed solution for any hair fall problem.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation in Singapore is a surgical technique that moves hair follicles from a part of the body called the ‘donor site’ to a bald or balding part of the body known as the ‘recipient site’. In this minimally invasive procedure, grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding, (like the back of the head) are transplanted to the bald scalp. Hair transplantation differs from skin grafting in that grafts contain almost all of the epidermis and dermis surrounding the hair follicle, and many tiny grafts are transplanted rather than a single strip of skin.

As with any kind of surgery, transplants have some risks, including bleeding and infection. There’s also the chance for scarring and unnatural-looking new hair growth.

Around the time new locks start to grow, some people have inflammation or an infection of the hair follicles, called folliculitis. Antibiotics and compresses can relieve the problem. It’s also possible to suddenly lose some of the original hair in the area where you got the new strands, called shock loss. is a common side effect that is usually happening to the patient.  Bald patches are also common, as fifty to a hundred hairs can be lost each day. Post-operative hiccups have also been seen in around 5% of transplant patients.

Other side effects include swelling of areas such as the scalp and forehead. If this becomes uncomfortable, medication may ease the swelling. Additionally, the patient must be careful if their scalp starts itching, as scratching will make it worse and cause scabs to form. A moisturizer or massage shampoo may be used.

Depending on the size of the transplant you’re getting, the process will take about 5 to 10 hours. You might need another procedure later on if you continue to lose hair or decide you want thicker hair.

The price of a hair transplant will depend largely on the amount of hair you’re moving, it may up to $20,000 or more depending on the size of the transplant. Most insurance plans don’t cover it.

Important factors for you to consider are: how to correctly determine the amount of donor’s hair available to achieve the volume of hair acceptable to your expectations, and how much more hair will you lose as you age (although hair from the sides and back of the scalp is genetically engineered not to fall out, areas near the top and front usually continue to become more sparse).

Non-Surgical Hair Replacement System Information

Losing your hair can have a devastating psychological effect on a person, most especially women, knocking your self-confidence and potentially making you withdraw from your social life.

Many wigs, hairpieces, and hair replacement systems available on the market offer a solution to hair loss, however many simply look unnatural as they are unable to recreate a realistic hairline. With advances in technology there are now non-surgical hair replacement systems available that are virtually undetectable as not your natural hair, due to the way that the base secures to the scalp and the hair appears to then be growing straight out of your skin; thus creating a more natural and realistic hairline. due to the way that the base secures to the scalp and the hair appears to then be growing straight out of your skin; thus creating a more natural and realistic hairline.

Combined with the ability to match hairstyle, color, thickness, and texture to your original hair and the versatility to sleep, shower, swim and carry on with your life as if you had your own hair. It offers a solution to hair loss that provides impressive and non-invasive results.

Hair replacement systems guarantee results

With hair transplant surgery, it may take eight months or longer to see the results you desire in terms of hair density. In some cases of extensive hair loss, surgery may not be possible at all and even if it is, it may never be able to achieve the desired results. With hair replacement systems, however, every person has the opportunity to have a full head of hair again.

Non-surgical hair systems offer guaranteed results. A hair replacement system will work for anyone regardless of the reasons behind their hair loss, the extent of their hair loss, or change hairstyle for the latest trend.

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